Directions to Bright Leaf:
Bright Leaf is located in central northwest Austin, just north of Camp Mabry.
In between Mopac and 360 and between 2222 and Crestway Drive.
All hikes start at the northern end of the park.
The Bright Leaf parking lot is off 2222 and Creek Mountain Road, between Mopac and 360.
From Mopac: Go west on 2222 and go past the light at Mesa. The next street is Creek Mountain Road (before you get to Mt. Bonnell Rd.).
Take a left on to Creek Mountain Rd. and go straight until the road curves to the right. Follow the road and on the left will be a green gate to the
parking lot.
From 360: Go east on 2222, go past Mt. Bonnell Rd and turn right on Creek Mountain Rd.
Then, go straight on Creek Mountain until the road curves to the right.
Follow the road and on the left will be a green gate to the parking lot.